Hey there, 0x02f0bcd4 here
Felt cute, bought the domain only. Might update later. Thanks for stumbling upon my site. <3
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Hot takes
- IBM Plex Sans is the best font UI(along with Segoe UI).
- Blade with just some JS is enough for your web apps. React and others are just crappy frameworks. You don't need to over-complicate your apps.
- Keep IDEs as IDEs, and text editors as text editors. Your Neovim isn't IntelliJ, it will never be.
- KDE has the worst UI. Matter of fact, GNOME looks better. Breeze can breeze deeznuts.
- GNOME shouldn't be pronounced like "geh-nome". A better pronounciation would be Genome(Jee-nome). Like Jonathan Blow said "(nginx) If you don't want me to mispronounce, don't make me mispronounce." (Seriously though, until I heard the pronounciation of nginx, I was also mispronouncing).
- JetBrains mono looks like shit, Firacode is better in terms of legibility and on eyes.
- Life doesn't suck, we just make it harder for us, with overthinking. Don't overthink. Do whatever the hell you want to do (except for drugs, cigs, and alcohols, those are bad kids). You don't know future, you will never know future. Stop thinking too much about it. Else you will be shackled in the same place forever. The pain of not advancing is way too much excruciating than the fear of future.
- We get what we fucking deserve. If you feel like you deserve better, prove it with your actions.
- Web apps shouldn't be a thing. If you really want to make good apps, there are two ways - either make native apps with their respective technologies, or make a browser for webapps. It defi-fucking-nitely shouldn't use JS. JS sucks.
- Light mode is better than dark mode. Get yourself out of that basement, and put up some light work. Touch some grass. You will find light mode better than Dark mode.
- Purple is an overrated, overused color.
- Putting _insert_package_manager_ in your portfolio as your skill makes you look like an idiot.